Construct Pit Latrines in 20 Rural Communities Across Margibi County, Liberia

In Liberia, open defecation is a prevalent practice. The combination of poverty and illiteracy is the main reason for the absence of latrines in many rural communities in Margibi County. The lack of infrastructure and services leads to residents and children under five contracting preventable fecal-oral diseases, often resulting in death.

The high incidence of diarrheal diseases, childhood malnutrition, and frequent cholera outbreaks in Liberia highlight the suffering of young children who lack access to basic necessities. Approximately 71 out of every 1000 live births result in children under five dying, based on estimates from the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN DESA Population Division) found at


The project was carried out in Margibi, a county located on the north-central coast of Liberia, just an hour’s drive from the capital. It took place specifically in Mambah-Kaba, District One. The county has an estimated population of 272,255, with 137,267 males and 134,988 females.


The “Construct Pit Latrines in 20 Rural Communities Across Margibi County, Liberia” project has achieved its first milestone with the completion of a “12-Room Facility (8 Pit Latrines & 4 Shower Rooms)” in the Gblon Community, Mambah-Kaba District, Margibi County.


The primary challenge encountered during this project’s implementation was the limited funding available compared to the projected budget. The project received partial funding through donor contributions, while LIDRO managed to self-finance the bulk of the implementation costs.