Past Campaigns

Empower Local Farmers

Support agricultural activities by empowering 100 plus local farmers to invest in crops farming including cassava, corn, beans, banana, etc. across Gbarpolu County, Liberia.

Donate Educational Materials to School Kids in Rural Communities

Distribute Textbooks and Toys to 500 plus school going children for critical thinking and recreational games across Gbarpolu County, Liberia.

Clean Environment for Youth Developmemt & Healthy Life

Provide Workshop on the Effect of Sanitation and its importance “Safe Environments, Healthy Lives” for over 25 Youth in Rock Crusher Community, Duazon, Lower Margibi County, Liberia.


Post Coronavirus Women Empowerment Project

The “Post Coronavirus Women Empowerment Project” is a program designed to aid vulnerable girls and women in Margibi County, Liberia.

Educate and Feed 150 Students Project

Educate and Feed 150 Children in a Post COVID-19
Primary Education Tutorial Program in Margibi
County, Liberia.


Post Construct Latrine Projects in Liberia

Construct Pit Latrines (Restroom) in 20 Rural Communities Across Margibi County, Liberia, West Africa.

Mission is to Give People HOPE

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

Helping is not a choice for us, it is what we are made of and it what we do as an organization.

We Need Donations

Kindness planned is no kindness, only kindness done is kindness. Donate today to feed and educate young people in Liberia.

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Here's what you're about to donate:
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Donation Total: $100